Here are couple of ways you can help Project Inquire: Oakland Dialogues.

Spread the word

Tell a friend, or post on twitter, or a listserv, reach out to your local union, small or large business, nonprofit, or church. Use whichever medium of communication is most comfortable to get people to come!

Help Moderation Team

Help our moderation team sort through, collate, and choose community submitted questions to ask our candidates during the debate.

Entertain The Audience

Are you an Oakland dancer, musician, poet, activist, teacher, or person doing something else awesome for the community? Get in touch and we can spotlight your performance or stump speech during the hour before the candidates join. We would like to share any money we are able to raise during the event to support spotlighted performers and activists.

Tech Support

Help provide tech support and digital moderation on Zoom during the day of the event.

Volunteer Management

Help coordinate other volunteers.


Provide film services (we may especially need this for outdoor filming of live performers and for addressing technical issues that may arise on Zoom).

Manage Social Media

Help moderate, manage, or post to our facebook page or other media platform Have more ideas about how you can help? Great! Please reach out


If you are a person who understands the potential impact of this project, but lacks the availability to contribute their time, know that even a small donation can go a long way to help pay for advertising to reach a larger audience, or in compensating professional’s skilled contributions. My wonderful and inexpensive attorney (he also happens to be my husband Jon Loebl) has helped me put together the paperwork to incorporate a 501(c)(3) nonprofit called “Respectful Oakland”. We plan to file the paperwork soon, so we should be able to accept donations through that entity in the upcoming weeks. You can always pledge to commit earlier though this page, which would help free up funds right away (via use of credit systems). My attorney says it takes much longer to get the paperwork approved that will allow you to make tax write-offs, but again pledges of future donations that are contingent upon the ability to write off taxes can be incredibly valuable both in the short and long term.


Do you have a different idea of how you can help? We want to hear it! Send us a message at with how you want to get involved.


If you are unable or unwilling to contribute time or money to this project, you can still have an incredible impact by attending the event. The reason we have put so much time and energy into this project is because we genuinely believe that we can make society better by working to become more informed and politically involved citizens. Town halls like this one do incredible work to help keep politicians accountable to their constituents. We are so excited to invite you to take part!

Please fill out the form below to let us know how you want to help!

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